Heidelberg University is a diverse community of learners. Applicants come from a variety of backgrounds and with different interests. The Admission Committee seeks talented and motivated students who will benefit from and contribute to the university experience. Our admission process is highly personalized and we consider the "whole person" as we identify students who would be a good match for Heidelberg. Notifications are generally made within two weeks. Please note, all information submitted on this form and through the admission process will be kept confidential.
More information on Dual Admission can be found on our website here. Please contact us at 419-448-2330 or admission@heidelberg.edu if you have any questions.
Your completed application will be submitted to Heidelberg and the participating college selected for dual application. Please submit the following items to both your participating college and Heidelberg University:
You may upload any of these items below. Alternatively, the documents can be emailed to admission@heidelberg.edu, faxed to 419-448-2334 or mailed to: Heidelberg University Office of Admission 310 E. Market St. Tiffin, OH 44883
By clicking Submit (below), I affirm that the information presented in my application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any intentional omission or misrepresentation of information on this form could result in denial of admission or dismissal from Heidelberg University. I am aware that all transcripts submitted to Heidelberg in support of my application become the property of Heidelberg University.